Nice example here of an open source flash app to play mp3s. Javascript API and reads from XML. Would make a nice podcasting module (Steve B ?)
param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"
Flash 9 required
OMG! see combined with 360 panarama!
<a href="http://www.example.co.uk/files/map.pdf" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker ('/downloads/map'); ">
You'll first need to look up an address, but this trick only works if the address is centered (it's centered by default). So, moving the map around will not make this work. When the address you want to find latitude and longitude for is dead center, copy and paste this code into your browser bar:
Longistude and Latitude will auto-magically appear in popup.
Last week Google released Google Gears (Beta), an application that lets web sites store their data on your local computer using only your web browser. Google Reader is already supported - read your feeds on the train! - and word on the street is that Gmail and Google Docs is to come.
Install instructions and a bit more info here
Who decides what's best for a website? Highly skilled professionals who work with the site's users and serve as their advocates? Or schmucks with money? Most often, it's the latter. That's why a web designer's first job is to educate the people who hold the purse strings.
a computer program analyzes a person’s lip movement in a silent movie (here: Hitler filmed by Eva Braun), matches the frames to a large library of pronounced words to find out what was being said, and then plays back the sound via a computer generated voice. This way, fully automated, a silent film turns into a film with speech, and historical archives reveal new information.
10 print "Hello Sequence"
20 goto 10